About Cabbage Tree Books

by Ben Luxon

Established in 2022 by Ben Luxon Cabbage Tree Books is a book blog designed to help people to discover great book recommendations, learn about literature, and hone their creative writing skills.


Cabbage Tree Books was dreamt up by Ben as he wandered the mountains of New Zealand.

Trees pervade numerous mythologies, from the Egyptians to the Vikings’ world tree Ygrddrasil, which connects the nine realms. For the Celt’s trees symbolized the cycle of life and rebirth - the oak is a symbol of wisdom, strength and longevity - and their roots connect this land to the underworld breaching realms and connecting fantasy to reality.

To the Maori also, trees hold significance. In the Māori creation story, Tāne separated his parents, Papatūānuku (earth) and Ranginui (sky), letting light into the world. And it is the trees of the forest which are believed to continue holding apart the earth and sky, allowing light to illuminate the earth.

The tī kōuka (cabbage tree) is seen as a symbol of strong independence. For me, its unique solitary shape connects me firmly to the land. And its reminiscence of something from a Dr Zuess story takes me back to my very first fascination with literature and storytelling, a fascination that continues with me today.


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